People who care

Sunday, September 25, 2011


Chowder is my favorite TV show of all time! (besides Buffy the Vampire Slayer) I absolutely was obsessed with this show for the longest time. This is Schnitzel. He is a rock monster. And next to chowder, he's my favorite character! ^.^ I love him!!! He's super hilarious and i totally encourage all of you to watch this show. In fact, i DARE you. Go ahead. DO IT! c'mon, just once won't hurt. Nobody has to know... I'll give you a cookie! lol jk jk jk but seriously, this is a good show!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Blast from the past: At the park

Ok, so, every now and then, i'm gonna upload a post NOT from that day, but from a previous adventure that i didn't have time to upload. This is one of those posts.
As you can see, me and my family went to the park..... I was not exactly happy to be there....
But i decided to be the good daughter i am and let my dad push me...

side thought- Well, how often is it that you can actually say the words "push me!" and have it mean a good thing? Would a random citizen just run up to you and plead, "PUSH ME PUSH ME PUUUSHHH MEEEE!!!!" no, they would not.

So anyways, i took a turn being the "pusher" and pushed my littlest brother Zachariah.

While i was pushing him.... he suddenly raised his little hands, pressed them together reverently, closed his eyes, and bowed his head.
When asked, "Hey Zak, whatcha' doin'???" He simply replied,
"..............................shhhhh................i'm a praying ninja..................."


wow.... my URL for this site, has got to be one of the ugliest things I've ever seen!!! Never in all my life have i seen an uglier URL! My goodness! so, I'm sitting at my computer, and i think to myself,
"gee, wouldn't it be great to make a blog about my daily experiences and add pictures to them to make them come alive???"
So i decide to call it.... A DAY IN THE LIFE OF IKA....... how appropriate. :)
Now here i am, huddled in the dark in front of a glowing screen, wondering if anyone will ever end up reading this in my lifetime. Hm. So, if you are reading this, prepare to witness a day, or rather, many days in the life of... well.... me!